It was a fabulous Swiss RNA Workshop 2025! Many thanks to everyone who attended! Our great speakers were Robert J. Schneider, Eva Maria Novoa, and Andrea Pauli, whose presence was made possible by the NCCR RNA & Disease Disease. Many thanks to our sponsors who allowed us to offer the workshop free of charge for the participants: Merck Life Science, Immagina Biotechnology S.r.l., HUBERLAB. AG, Promega Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Aldevron, Witec AG, Microsynth AG, QIAGEN, Milian SA Dutscher group, GenScript, Cytiva. We hope to see you all again next year!
This workshop encompasses a wide array of subjects, such as RNA structure, processing, transportation, localization, translation, degradation, non-coding RNAs, and RNA-binding proteins. It also serves as an opportunity to connect with both Swiss and international scientists who possess expertise and research interests in this rapidly expanding field. In addition to our globally renowned keynote speakers, the organizers will select short presentations from the submitted abstracts. The poster session and breaks will also allow ample time for discussions. Furthermore, our commercial sponsors will be available in the foyer with informational booths.
We eagerly anticipate the gathering of the RNA community, as we have been doing since 1995.
Additionally, we are pleased to offer childcare services, as the NCCR RNA & Disease is actively committed to promoting equal opportunities.
Registration has been closed and we will not accept further participants for catering reasons.
We look forward to unite the RNA Community, see you soon!
Registration for talks and posters has been closed. However, we are still accepting registrations for participation. You can register until Sunday, January 5, 2025 at the latest. After that, we will not accept any further registrations for catering planning reasons.
We have childcare registrations. If you want to bring your child, please get in touch with Veronika Herzog, Scientific Officer NCCR RNA & Disease, by 15 January 2025.
This workshop covers a broad range of topics including RNA structure, processing, transport, localization, translation, turnover, non-coding RNAs and RNA-binding proteins. It is also an opportunity to meet other Swiss and foreign scientists with expertise and research interests in this rapidly expanding field. Besides our internationally renowned keynote speakers, short presentations are selected by the organizers from the submitted abstracts. Additionally the poster session and breaks will offer ample time for discussions. Moreover, our commercial sponsors will be present in the foyer with information stands.
We look forward to bring together the RNA community as we do since 1995.
Moreover, we are happy to provide childcare as the NCCR RNA & Disease is actively engaged in promoting equal opportunities.
Registration has started and will close at December 9, 2022.
Registration and technical setup
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Oral Session 1
Coffee & Time for meeting with Sponsors and other participants
Oral Session 2
Lunch & Poster Session, time for meeting with Sponsors and other participants
Oral Session 3
Coffee & Time for meeting with Sponsors and other participants
Oral Session 4
09:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
09:20 - 10:40 Oral Session 1
followed by coffee break
11:10 - 12:50 Oral Session 2
12:50 - 15:00 Lunch and Poster Session
15:00 - 16:20 Oral Session 3
followed by coffee break
16:50 - 18:15 Oral Session 4 and Conclusion
The NCCR RNA & Disease is actively engaged in promoting equal opportunities. At the Swiss RNA Workshop 2025, we want to relieve hurdles for primary caretakers of dependent children. Parents who would like to attend and participate in the conference activities have the opportunity to have their children (four months – to seven years old) taken care of by the professional agency “Stiftung Kinderbetreuung im Hochschulraum Bern (KIHOB)” The trained care staff will perform various activities during the day (drawing, crafting, construction games, singing and movement games, puzzles, books, storytelling, cars, dolls, etc.). The childcare is organized in the same building as the conference (UniS Schanzeneckstr. 1, 3012 Bern).
Additionally, we will provide a separate room equipped for breast-feeding. If you need any additional resources or have any questions regarding child care, breastfeeding, or pregnancy at the Swiss RNA Workshop, please get in touch with us. We are happy to help.
Please contact our office to register for childcare; the first registrations are already here.
Contact: Veronika Herzog, Scientific Officer NCCR RNA & Disease
The Swiss RNA Workshop is funded mainly by National Center of Competence and Research RNA & Disease
We wish to kindly express our gratitude toward our Sponsors. The support of whom enables us to organise this Workshop every year in such a fabulous manner.
The venue is located within 5 minutes walking distance from Bern central railway station. The meeting will start at 09:15 and trains from all major Swiss cities arrive shortly before 9:00h.